Concussion Education For Coaches

Pre-season baseline testing can be crucial to the proper treatment of concussions. When given in the pre-season, the ImPACT™ test provides a measure of an athlete’s normal cognitive ability.

youth football coach explains the play to his players

If an athlete suffers a concussion during the athletic season, the results of the post-concussion ImPACT™ test are compared against his or her pre-season test results to highlight cognitive deficiencies, determine the extent of the athlete’s injuries, and formulate a return-to-play treatment plan.

Learn more about ImPACT™ testing available at Atlantic Neuroscience Institute at Overlook Medical Center’s Concussion Center >

Coaches and athletic trainers, learn more about the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommendations for when an athlete has a concussion >


Morristown Medical Center

741 Northfield Avenue – West Orange

Medical Arts Center (MAC) II – Overlook Medical Center

During an emergency, concussions can be diagnosed and treated at Chilton, Hackettstown, Morristown, Overlook and Newton medical centers’ emergency departments.