Whether it’s the result of a sports activity, car accident or fall, concussions are serious head injuries that could have long-term side effects.

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ABC TV- Concussions & Appropriate Rehabilitation

At Atlantic Health System Neuroscience we specialize in the comprehensive diagnosis, treatment and prevention of sports-related and other mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI). Our Center for Concussion Care and Physical Rehabilitation offers a variety of outpatient services, including:

  • Detailed screening and assessment of concussions, including computerized neuropsychological testing
  • Treatment, evaluation and follow-up, incorporating additional computerized neuropsychological testing as needed; referrals may be provided for more extensive neuropsychological testing or neuroradiologic studies
  • Preseason computerized neuropsychological testing for athletes to provide an individual baseline measurement, for use in determining treatment progress if the athlete is subsequently injured later in the season

In addition, Atlantic Rehabilitation provides post-concussion rehabilitation services.

During an emergency, concussions can be diagnosed and treated at Chilton, Hackettstown, Morristown, Overlook and Newton medical centers’ emergency departments.

Video: Concussions

We discuss baseline testing for sports-related concussions.