Atlantic Health System's Executive Health Program provides customized concierge medicine services designed to keep organizations running at optimum performance. Personalized guidance and immediate test results help executives stay healthy and lead highly productive, fulfilling lives.

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Damion Martins, MD, discusses the benefits of Atlantic Health System's Executive Health Program

Concierge medicine promotes good health by identifying risks and discovering potential illnesses at the earliest stage. Our all-inclusive, one-day program includes:

  • Preventative screening tests for the early detection of cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis and other conditions
  • Comprehensive physical exam and cardiovascular fitness evaluations
  • Review and update of medications and immunizations
  • Lifestyle assessment to analyze nutrition, fitness, stress management, alcohol, tobacco, personal safety and other indicators of disease risk
  • Personalized wellness plan developed by a team of specialists, including guidelines for optimal health and a plan for stress management, an exercise program and nutritional counseling

All services are provided by world-class medical specialists and subspecialists in state-of-the-art, private facilities.

As a business owner, my schedule can easily overtake even my best intentions to keep a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Taking one day out to get a clear picture of my health was the perfect fit for me. I have already made great strides towards my wellness goals driven by the specialist’s recommendations, and I am on a charted path to keep it that way. The thoroughness of this physical was very impressive, it was seamlessly executed, and I would recommend it highly to anyone.

Dirk J. van der Sterre, CEO of van der Sterre Properties and Executive Health patient
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Bernards Inn NJ

Overnight Accommodations

Preceding or following the day of a scheduled full-day physical with Atlantic Health System's Executive Health Program, our out-of-town clients are offered the option of an overnight accommodation at The Bernards Inn, located at 27 Mine Brook Road, Bernardsville, NJ 07924.

African American man reads newspaper

Executive Health in NJBiz

Keeping Executives Healthy Pays Off – NJBIZ showcases the benefits of our one-day concierge medicine program.