President, AHS ACO, LLC and Vice President, Atlantic Health System

Dr. Kloos began serving as President of the Atlantic Health System Accountable Care Organization in 2016.
He also serves as Executive Director of the Atlantic Management Services Organization, which provides management services to Atlantic Health’s three Accountable Care Organizations.
In this capacity, Dr. Kloos currently manages a network that serves over 100,000 Medicare beneficiaries and over 420,000 commercial attributed beneficiaries.
Dr. Kloos currently serves on the Board of Trustees for the National Association of Accountable Care Organizations (NAACOS) and is a regular speaker and contributor to that organization. He is a board certified internal medicine practitioner in Warren, NJ, was NCQA certified in Diabetes Care, and was a NCQA recognized level 3 Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH).
He was the past president of Optimus Healthcare Partners ACO and Vista Health System IPA. He was a Trustee and past Board Vice President of the Affiliated Physicians and Employers Health Plan, a self-funded MEWA plan in NJ.
Dr. Kloos graduated from the University of Louisville Medical School, and graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Rutgers College, earning a Bachelor’s of Science.