A Message from the Director
Thank you for taking the time to learn about the Pediatric Emergency Medicine fellowship program here at Goryeb Children’s Hospital at Morristown Medical Center. I created, and have been the director of, the fellowship since 2006 and am looking forward to meeting with you to discuss what has made this fellowship so unique and so successful for the past 15 years.
It is hard to put into words the nature of the Pediatric Emergency Medicine fellowship. However, if I had to do so, the word I would choose is “family.” Due to the small size of our program, we get to know each other well. As the director, I can actively engage with our fellows - to build upon strengths while shoring up weaknesses. Also because of our small program size, we can truly put “family first."
We work together to ensure not only clinical and academic success but also life/work balance. We aim to graduate clinicians with an excellent balance between an evidence-based approach to clinical matters, hands-on skill competency, and a strong support system of friends and family.
The setting of Morristown Medical Center is unique as it is a tertiary referral center in a community-hospital setting. This combination leads to our having a unique hybrid, “communiversity.” We care for patients in conjunction with attending physicians, as opposed to other residents. There are nine residencies at Morristown Medical Center: Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, Ob/Gyn, Surgery, Dentistry, Family Practice, and Radiology.
We mentor and teach physicians who are clinically proficient, competent teachers, as well as knowledgeable investigators. We stress professionalism, communication skills, clinical efficiency, physician wellness and work/life balance. The program is structured to produce highly competent and compassionate clinicians and academicians who deliver prompt and evidence-based care for any emergency encountered.
I look forward to discussing how your goals and our program may complement each other and we hope you find the program that fits your needs. In this unprecedented time of stress and illness, we look forward to easing the application process through a virtual interview and tour to ensure your safety while still providing you the true experience of coming to our program.
We look forward to your application >
Chris Amato, MD
Director, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship
Goryeb Children's Hospital at Morristown Medical Center
About the Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship
Goryeb Children’s Hospital has been training Fellows in Pediatric Emergency Medicine since 2006. The fellowship is ACGME-approved with a current maximum of 4 fellows at one time. There is a 2-year track for those that are residency-trained in Emergency Medicine, and a 3-year track for those that are residency-trained in Pediatrics.
The faculty are fully-trained and board-certified in Pediatric Emergency Medicine and as the fellowship is under the Emergency Medicine Residency Review committee, we are privy to all the expertise of the General Emergency Medicine Faculty.