The Emergency Medical Services fellowship team for Morristown Medical Center meets every Friday morning, from 9:00 am to noon, for program didactics.
A typical didactic month schedule is outlined below:
First Friday
- 9:00 am: Atlantic Mobile Health clinical culture and best practices
- 10:00 am: Intro and curriculum review
Second Friday - Basic Life Support Day
- 9:00 am: Operations intro to basic life support
- 10:00 am: Clinical intro to basic life support
- 11:00 am: Basic life support training and relationships with local agencies
Third Friday
- 9:00 am - Dispatch, communications and patient transport compartment
- 10:30 am: Intro to Delta1
Fourth Friday
- 9:00 am: Medical oversight of EMS
- 10:00 am - Atlantic Mobile Health accreditation and "potpourri"
- 11:00 am: A history of EMS
Fifth Friday
- 9:00 am: Atlantic Mobile Health operations intro
- 10:00 am - Cases of the month
- 11:00 am: Mobile integrated health at Atlantic Medical Group