What to Expect
At Atlantic Health System, our goal is to ensure that every patient has both a restorative and informative stay at our hospitals before returning home. Our doctors, nurses, and staff will treat you and your family as partners in care, so we encourage you to prepare for your visit ahead of time. Ask questions, voice your concerns and don’t be afraid to raise any issues relating not only to your care and treatment, but also to overall hospital services and cost of care.
Patient Rights
Your safety and privacy is important to us. Learn about your patient
rights before your visit.
Patient Registration
Registration is required for procedures at our hospitals. In most cases, it is recommended that you call ahead of time to schedule an appointment.
Patient Responsibilities
Read about the hospital rules and regulations, including our smoke-free policy, we ask our patients to follow.
Stay Safe and Informed
To maximize your recovery and get back to normal daily life as soon as possible, you need to collaborate with your medical team on your care. That’s why we prepared some guidelines on how best to work with your medical team.
Pre-Procedure Evaluation & Pre-Admission Testing
If you are having surgery at an Atlantic Health System location, your health history will need to be assessed and lab and imaging tests may be required.

What to Know Now to Save Money Later
When you fully understand which providers and hospital services are in-network vs. out-of-network, you reduce your chances of receiving an unexpected medical bill. The Healthcare Financial Management Association released a consumer guide that explains the key financial questions to ask before a medical procedure and who can best answer them.