Cancer Care Contacts

Carol G. Simon Cancer Center at Overlook Medical Center

Main Number973-971-5008
Brain Tumor Center908-522-5914
Brain Tumor Clinical Trials908-522-5843
Breast Center908-522-5762
Breast Cancer Prevention Program908-608-0078
Breast Nurse Navigator908-522-6210
Child Life Program908-522-5200
Clinical Trials/Research908-522-6195
Community Health Education908-522-2844
Diagnostic and Genetic Screening Tests973-971-5008
Gastrointestinal Cancer908-522-5786
Gastrointestinal Nurse Navigator908-522-5786
Infusion Services908-522-2255
Integrative Medicine Programs 
Gentle Yoga908-522-6168
Guided Imagery908-522-6168
I Cancer-Vive908-522-5349
Qi Gong908-522-6168
Qi Healing908-522-6168
Reiki Therapy908-522-6168
Therapeutic Touch908-522-6168
Lung and Thoracic Services908-522-5344
Lymphedema Services908-522-2215
Men's Cancer 
Urologic Cancer Program973-971-5008
Prostate Navigate Program908-522-5624
Music Therapy908-522-5344
Palliative Care908-522-5329
Radiation Oncology908-522-2871
Support Groups 
Bereavement Group908-522-5255
Circle of Women Group908-522-6210
Exercise Class for Breast Cancer Survivors908-522-6210
Look Good, Feel Better908-522-5255
Post Treatment Group908-522-5349
Support Services 
Classes and Support Groups908-522-5349
Insurance Navigation Assistance Program908-522-5255
Nutritional Counseling908-522-5347
Psychosocial Support Services908-522-5255
Survivorship and Post-Treatment Programs 
Exercise Class for Breast Cancer Survivors908-255-6210
I Cancer Vive908-522-5349
Ostomy Support Group908-522-5552
Post-Treatment Support Group908-522-5349
Group Acupuncture908-598-7997
Guided Imagery908-522-6168
Gentle Massage908-598-7997
Gentle Yoga908-522-6168
Nutrition Wise Action Plan – Putting it on the Table908-522-5347
Tai Chi/Qi Gong908-522-6168
Volunteer Services908-522-5925
Women’s Cancer908-522-5262

Carol G. Simon Cancer Center at Morristown Medical Center

Main Number973-971-5008
Brain Tumor Center908-522-5914
Breast Center973-971-5321
Breast Nurse Navigator 973-971-6175 
High Risk Surveillance Breast Program  973-971-7501
Classes and Support Groups973-682-2146
Clinical Trials/Research973-971-5990
Cancer Community Health Education973-971-6581
Diagnostic and Genetic Screening Tests973-971-6672
Gastrointestinal Cancer973-971-4975
Gastrointestinal Nurse Navigator973-971-4975
Gynecologic Cancer973-971-5900
Gynecologic Cancer Navigator973-971-4974
Head and Neck Surgery973-971-7355
Head and Neck Surgery Navigator973-971-7358
Infusion Services973-971-5008
Integrative Medicine Programs 
     Healing Touch Experience973-971-6514
     Gentle Yoga973-971-6514
     I Cancer-Vive973-971-6514
     IGM Therapeutic Acupressure973-971-6514
     Individual Acupuncture973-971-6301
     Jin Shin Jyutsu973-971-6514
     Successful Surgery with Guided Imagery973-971-6514
     Therapeutic Touch973-971-4063
     Writing as a Way of Healing973-971-6514
Lung and Thoracic Services973-971-5344
Lymphedema and Physical Therapy973-971-4548
Music Therapy973-971-5919
New Jersey Cancer Education & Early Detection973-971-5887
Pancreatic Cancer973-971-4975
Pediatric Cancer - Valerie Fund973-971-6720
Radiation Oncology973-971-5328
Support Groups 
Gynecologic Cancer Support Group973-971-4063
Head and Neck Cancer Support Group973-971-4063
Lung Cancer Support Group973-971-7971
Metastatic Mind Body Group973-971-6514
Ostomy Support Group973-971-5522
Pancreatic Cancer Support Group973-971-4975
Post Treatment Support Group973-971-4063
Support Services 
Psychosocial Support Services973-971-5169
Classes and Support Groups973-682-2146
Nutritional Counseling973-971-6232
Patient Financial Services844-487-3627
Survivorship and Post Treatment 
Gentle Massage973-971-6301
Healing Through Drumming973-971-5919
Moving Beyond973-971-5800 x1711
Post-Breast Surgery Program973-971-6175
Post-Treatment Information Sessions973-971-4063
Post-Treatment Nutrition Recommendations973-971-6232
Smoking Cessation973-971-7971
Therapeutic Touch Training973-971-4063
Writing as a Way of Healing973-971-6514
Women’s Cancer973-971-5900
Volunteer Services973-971-5475