The road to long-term health begins with your primary care doctor, who helps you to take charge of your health and become more mindful about your lifestyle and choices.
Let's Talk About Prevention
- Make sure you see your primary care doctor for an annual wellness visit, even if you are healthy.
- Know your numbers (blood pressure, cholesterol, and BMI) and keep them at healthy levels.
- Review vaccinations and keep them up to date. Get the flu shot every year, tetanus every 10 years, and a COVID vaccine as recommended.
Learn more about vaccinations > - If you are under 35 and you don’t get pregnant after a year of trying, talk to your gynecologist.
Find a gynecologist now > - Get a cervical cancer screening (pap test) every three years, depending on your risk factors, according to U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Women Over 30 should talk to their doctors about the right testing options: a pap test only, an HPV test only, or a combination of an HPV test with a pap test.
Find a gynecologist now > - If you smoke, try to quit. Learn about our smoking cessation program >
- Ask your doctor about conducting routine self breast exams.
- If you are experiencing heavy or prolonged menstrual cycles, fatigue, pelvic pain, and frequent urination, you may have fibroids and should speak with your gynecologist.
Learn about fibroid testing and treatments > - Get an annual mole and freckle check from the dermatologist.
Find a dermatologist now > - Get a complete eye exam twice between the ages of 30 to 39.
General Health Tips
- Eat a well-balanced diet low in saturated fats and full of fruits and vegetables. Learn about our nutrition services >
- Maintain a healthy weight with an exercise program that includes aerobic activities such as walking, jogging, biking or swimming, as well as weight-bearing exercises. Learn more about our fitness and lifestyle classes >
- Get seven to eight hours of good sleep a night. Learn about the benefits of healthy sleep habits>
Find a Doctor
Partnering with a primary care and OB/GYN doctor is foundational to maintaining good health now and in the decades to come.
These recommendations are intended as a guide for women 18-39 who are of general good health to discuss with their physician.
Please call 1-800-247-9580 for a referral to a physician to discuss these recommendations.