As a personal trainer, nutrition coach and group fitness instructor, Charlene B. thought that she understood how the human body works, especially hers. So when she developed groin pain, she assumed she had pulled a groin muscle.
The pain continued and affected her at the fitness center where she worked. It became very difficult to coach her clients while on her feet all day. Charlene knew that she was prolonging her pain by not seeking help.
But when her own attempts at pain relief failed and her pain continued, she finally sought professional help from Paul Lombardi, MD. To her great surprise, Dr. Lombardi explained that both of her hips had a congenital birth defect that required replacement with an artificial joint or she would continue to have the pain. After meeting Dr. Lombardi, and seeing the care he took to explain her condition, she decided to go forward. Charlene said, “I thought he was amazing! He really took the time to address my concerns and assured me that I would be able to handle my rehabilitation.”
She had both hips replaced eight months apart at Morristown Medical Center at 49 and 50 years old. “The staff was wonderful,” she said. “I felt like I was a celebrity, since they did everything they could to make me comfortable. I was home two days after my surgeries and, using Dr. Lombardi’s exercises, I was able to rehab myself at the athletic club where I work. In fact, I only needed a cane for three days and was on a stationary bike after a week.”
Now pain-free, Charlene says “You’d never know I have two new hips. I had the best care and results right here. You don’t have to go to NYC.” She’s gained a better appreciation of the variations of human anatomy and her new hips should last 30 years if she is good to them.
Every day, Charlene’s clients are inspired by her recovery.
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