Atlantic Health System's Comprehensive Epilepsy Center offers specialized health care services for those patients who have been seen by a primary care physician and need additional diagnostic services for epilepsy and seizures. 

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Atlantic Health System Offers the Most Comprehensive Diagnostics for Epilepsy

Diagnostic Procedures

We offer the following procedures for use in the evaluation of

Electroencephalogram (EEG)
– Electrodes are placed on the scalp to record the electrical activity of the brain.
Stereotactic EEG
– Video EEG monitoring in the epilepsy monitoring unit for patients undergoing surgical evaluation with intra-cranial depth electrodes that are stereotactically placed using the ROSA robot.
3T Brain MRI
– the most powerful MRI in clinical use, featuring a wide bore for improved patient comfort, as well as faster operating speeds and greater image quality than standard MRI technology; available at Overlook Medical Center.
Functional Brain MRI
– Enables neurosurgeons to plan surgical procedures that minimize the risk of damage to critical brain function by determining the normal functions controlled by the targeted brain area.
Brain PET Scan
– Visualizes areas of the brain that are less metabolically active due to seizure activity
– Uses both PET and CT scans to provide overlapping anatomical and functional images of the brain
MEG (magnetoencephalography)
– records the magnetic fields associated with electrical activity in the brain to help physicians localize, with precise accuracy, where epileptic activity originates; it is used to noninvasively determine a patient’s candidacy for surgery and in surgical planning.
Wada test
– a procedure for identifying which hemisphere of the brain is dominant for language and memory function by having the patient perform several cognitive tasks (such as identifying words or pictures or counting backwards)
Cortical mapping
– establishes the relationship between various structures of the brain and their functions
– the process of recording electrical activity in the brain by placing electrodes in direct contact with the cerebral cortex

As a Level IV epilepsy center that provides advanced care for patients with refractory seizures, some patients may reach the stage at which they need to consider epilepsy surgery. This will then lead to additional outpatient testing, such as a brain PET, functional MRI, and MEG (magnetoencephalography), as well as Wada testing or neuropsychological evaluation.


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