As a public relations manager for Atlantic Health System, Louise G. gets a behind-the-scenes look at the special moments that happen in our hospitals every day.
Nonetheless, she was wowed by her own experience as a patient in Overlook’s Maternity Center last fall. “Because I work in health care, I knew all of the safety measures our hospitals were taking,” she says. “Everyone went above and beyond – not just with precautions, but with how caring and mindful they were. I had heard from friends that the labor and delivery and maternity nurses at Overlook were the best. But now that I’ve experienced it firsthand, I can truly say that the nurses are fantastic.”
Louise is equally enthusiastic about the care she received from Atlantic Medical Group Women’s Health at Westfield. “I couldn’t have asked for a better group of women to support me. Everyone always had a smile on their face.” During labor and delivery, Louise notes, “it was easy to forget there was a pandemic going on. Everyone made me feel so comfortable and so safe.” In fact, she says the overall mood was upbeat and festive – especially when Dallas arrived so quickly.
“The nurses told me, ‘If we gave awards, you would get one, since you pushed out a nearly nine-pound baby in less than an hour, which rarely happens to first-time moms. So, if you have a second baby, please get to the hospital ASAP!’” she says with a laugh. For Louise, of course, the best award was Dallas, but she was overjoyed to have OB/GYN Cecilia Zhang, MD there for his delivery. “After Dallas, having her there was the second-best gift I got that night,” says Louise.
Although COVID-19 restrictions prevented friends and family from visiting the hospital and meeting Dallas right away, Louise and her husband, Phil S., took advantage of the time together. “I was able to enjoy my delivery and bond with my baby and husband,” she says.
“Especially as first-time parents, there is so much stress. This was a reprieve from thinking about the world. It was all I could ask for as a first-time mom delivering during a pandemic.”