A work environment that respects and promotes a positive wellness culture contributes to the physical, mental and emotional health of your employees. That’s why Atlantic Corporate Health offers specialized worksite wellness programs designed to keep workforces healthy and productive:

Fitness solutions
– Group and individual classes that incorporate proven approaches to fitness and nutrition help employees make sustained lifestyle changes.
Health fairs and information tables
– Interactive tables provide information on preventative medicine and safety that will boost employee health knowledge and morale.
Healthy lifestyle coaching
– Health coaches explain health status, assist in setting measurable goals, support positive behavior change and monitor progress. This services is confidential and personalized and can be conveniently provided via phone or in person.
Smoking cessation
– We offer both individual treatment and group support to help employees succeed at quitting smoking.
Stress management and mind body
– Chair exercises, guided meditation, yoga and mind body workshops – available on full-day, half-day or shorter basis – help reduce stress for employees.
Weight management
– Workers are encouraged to maintain a healthy weight through individual nutrition counseling and a group approach called “Team Up – Scale Down.”

Please contact Atlantic Corporate Health for more information regarding these programs, fees and staffing.

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