Having a new baby is bound to change your life, and having two or more at the same time can be overwhelming. That’s why Atlantic Health System’s Parent Education Department offers a class called Great Expectations: Prepared Childbirth and Infant Care for Parents Expecting Twins, Triplets or More. Those who attend will learn how to care for more than one baby at a time and receive education concerning the last few days of pregnancy, signs and symptoms of pre-term labor, and vaginal and cesarean deliveries. A tour of our maternity center and practical advice from moms of the Twins n’ Triplets Mothers Club of Morris County is included.
Additional support can be found through the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Club >
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Our Medical Team
Andrew Schenkman, MD, Director, Division of Neonatology
Karen Gluck, MD
Ian Griffin, MD
Denise Hassinger, MD
John Ladino, MD
Naureen Memon, MD
Gaines M. Mimms, MD
Thomas G. Murphy, MD
Amy Presti, MD
Marta R. Rogido, MD
Lawrence Skolnick, MD
Christopher C. Stryker, MD
Abigail Wellington, MD
Catherine Sawtell, APN, Director, Advanced Practice
Tiffany Alberino, PA-C
Suzanne Allikas, APN
Sheena Andrews, APN
Esther Baxam, APN
Anecia Carter, APN
Diane Chiappi, PA-C
Danielle Corsi, APN
Kimberly Gogel, APN
Amy Hatch , APN
Carrie McDonald, APN
Stacie McDonough, APN
Alfredo Mennonna, PA-C
Francine Merendino, APN
Debbie Sigman, APN
Ruth Snyder, APN
Stephen Stoever, APN
Our physicians also provide specialized care to patients with complicated illnesses at the Center for Advanced Medicine in Pediatrics >
For More Information
Consult with our neonatal medical staff at 973-971-5488 to discuss the treatment of your baby in the NICU. Or contact Maternal-Fetal Medicine to discuss coordinated pre- and postnatal care.