Learn more about the services provided by our Neonatal Intensive Care Units at Atlantic Health System:
Clinical Services
- Atlantic Fetal Diagnostic and Treatment Center (AFDTC) - Many parents learn that their infant may spend time in the NICU even before their baby is born. In these cases, early diagnosis and coordinated care during pregnancy is the best way to improve outcomes for moms, babies and families. The AFDTC is a comprehensive obstetric program for pregnant women who are carrying a baby with a birth defect or other condition which may require specialized care. Neonatologists are an important part of the AFDTC team. We work closely with the physicians in Maternal-Fetal Medicine to ensure that we have the medical team in place to care for the baby at birth and in the NICU. We also offer prenatal consultations and tours, so families can familiarize themselves with the NICU and understand the care their baby may require.
- Breastfeeding and Lactation Services - Many babies admitted to the NICU are initially unable to feed. Our certified lactation consultants will guide you through the process of expressing your breast milk and support you when your baby is ready to breastfeed. For more information, please call Morristown Medical Center at 973-971-5371 or Overlook Medical Center at 908-522-2229.
- Infant Apnea Program – Irregular breathing with apnea is a common phenomenon among prematurely born infants, that usually resolves itself before discharge. However, some infants will need to leave the hospital with an apnea monitor for home use. Our neonatal staff provides education, ongoing support and medical management for infants on home apnea monitors.
- NICU Developmental Follow-up Program – In conjunction with the Child Development Center at Goryeb Children’s Hospital, NICU infants often receive developmental follow-up care. Coordinated follow-up care from pediatricians, physiatrists, physical and occupational therapists, speech and feeding therapists, and social workers can help these infants achieve their maximum potential. The NICU staff will help you schedule your infant’s care in this outpatient program.
- Quality and Patient Safety Program – We actively monitor a variety of clinical practices in the NICU as well as outcomes. Studying these trends enables us to improve clinical practice and implement the latest clinical innovations.
- Online nursery – Professional photographers to capture precious moments with your baby.
- Bereavement Program
- Car Seat Testing – Prior to leaving the NICU, all infants are given a car seat challenge test to assure their safety.
- CPR Classes – CPR classes led by a NICU nurse are offered to all parents prior to leaving the hospital.
- Parent Education – Our parent education department offers classes with up-to-date information on all aspects of child care.
- Sibling Support Group – Having a newborn brother or sister in the NICU can be a frightening experience for siblings. That's why the Child Life Program offers a support group for these children on a regular basis.
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Our Medical Team
Andrew Schenkman, MD, Director, Division of Neonatology
Karen Gluck, MD
Ian Griffin, MD
Denise Hassinger, MD
John Ladino, MD
Naureen Memon, MD
Gaines M. Mimms, MD
Thomas G. Murphy, MD
Amy Presti, MD
Marta R. Rogido, MD
Lawrence Skolnick, MD
Christopher C. Stryker, MD
Abigail Wellington, MD
Catherine Sawtell, APN, Director, Advanced Practice
Tiffany Alberino, PA-C
Suzanne Allikas, APN
Sheena Andrews, APN
Esther Baxam, APN
Anecia Carter, APN
Diane Chiappi, PA-C
Danielle Corsi, APN
Kimberly Gogel, APN
Amy Hatch , APN
Carrie McDonald, APN
Stacie McDonough, APN
Alfredo Mennonna, PA-C
Francine Merendino, APN
Debbie Sigman, APN
Ruth Snyder, APN
Stephen Stoever, APN
Our physicians also provide specialized care to patients with complicated illnesses at the Center for Advanced Medicine in Pediatrics >
For More Information
Consult with our neonatal medical staff at 973-971-5488 to discuss the treatment of your baby in the NICU. Or contact Maternal-Fetal Medicine to discuss coordinated pre- and postnatal care.